Trusted Medical Content

Reduce clinical variability. Follow the best evidence.

The value of order sets is intrinsically linked to the quality of the content.

An optimal order set strategy can only be achieved when the evidence itself is not only trusted, but also builds consensus among staff and provides actionable insights relevant to patient care. In your on-going efforts to maintain order sets with evidence-based content, it's important to always consider if your content is credible, applicable and actionable.

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A dedicated team of practicing physicians oversees and evaluates clinical evidence to create Provation's trusted, proprietary rule sets.

Credible: Sources You Can Trust

Point-of-care clinical decision support (CDS) fundamentally requires timely and accurate provision of evidence. Sources of evidence should also remain transparent so clinicians can trust the methodology used to derive update recommendations.

While common sources of evidence such as PubMed and Medline do a good job of collecting the latest literature, they lack the ability to efficiently identify and disseminate needed updates to clinicians. A best-in-practice CDS approach is one that provides more than just evidence - it should also transform the evidence into actionable rules, ensuring clinicians know who to treat, how to treat and when to treat.

A dedicated team of practicing physicians oversees and evaluates clinical evidence to create our trusted, proprietary rule sets. The source of the trusted evidence in Provation® Order Set Advisor is unparalleled in meeting all of these credibility requirements. The kind of heavy lifting required to maintain the sheer scope and volume of medical evidence provided in our rule sets is beyond the reach of most hospitals and their order set libraries.

Applicable: How the Evidence Applies to Your Order Sets

Contextually relevant and easily accessible evidence resources keep a good point-of-care CDS strategy together. As such, the way that evidence is woven into order sets through each stage of development can positively or negatively impact adoption of best practices.

A source of evidence should be available at all phases - when healthcare organizations are drafting, reviewing, debating and using order sets at the point of care. When evaluating whether the application of evidence is optimal, hospitals and health systems should ask the following questions:

  • Can clinicians and stakeholders easily access evidence throughout the development process?
  • Is the evidence focused and clinically relevant such that guidance is understood and actionable to clinicians?
  • Is content archived and trackable?
  • Is evidence readily available in the order set at the point of care?

Provation Order Set Advisor does this heavy lifting for you. In fact, the Order Set Advisor tool continuously checks your existing order sets, empowering your team with:

  • Relevant recommendations based on the latest trusted clinical evidence
  • Alerts and highlights identifying misplaced or missing orders
  • Ability to add recommendations right into the review process
  • Notifications of practice updates

Actionable: How Your Team is Notified of Changes So They Can Act

Evidence changes all the time, so it is important that your stakeholders are promptly informed of changes so they can react accordingly.

Ideally, hospitals and health systems can rely on a trusted tool like Provation Order Set Advisor to distill massive amounts of literature down into clinically-focused, relevant directives for specific evidence-based order sets. This helps order set teams easily disseminate needed changes across hundreds of order sets, including those customized to reflect an organization's specific needs.

Provation Order Set Advisor aligns your medical content with the most current evidence and incorporates it into your order set library. This comprehensive resource can help you easily adhere to the ever-evolving compliance and regulatory guidelines by identifying quality gaps related to priority, high-risk conditions.

Better yet, these capabilities extend across many EHR platforms, including Cerner and Epic, to ensure your order sets guide clinicians to comply with best-practice regulations.

Learn More About the Benefits of Provation Order Set Advisor