Case Studies

Tampa General Hospital: An EndoWorks Conversion Success

Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is a 1,011-bed private not-for-profit hospital and one of the most comprehensive medical facilities in West Central Florida. Tampa General found itself faced with the need to replace EndoWorks and chose Provation MD as its EndoWorks replacement.

Florida Medical Clinic EndoWorks Migration

The leading physician network at Florida Medical Clinic, a multi-specialty clinic encompassing more than 50 medical and surgical modalities, successfully migrated from Olympus EndoWorks to Preferred Replacement Provation MD Gastroenterology.
Doctors gathered around a computer

New Mexico Orthopaedics Replaces Dictation with Provation

Pre- and post-Provation procedure and billing data reveal 117% overall improvement in documentation and coding accuracy in New Mexico Orthopaedics’ coding study.
Doctors smiling at tablet

Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital Streamlines Operations and Reduces Costs

By replacing a modified dictation- and transcription-based process with Provation, physicians cut down documentation time to just 15 to 20 seconds.